Benefits we offer

The PACENET system is comprehensive, allowing your department to go paperless, while retaining instant access to your records. It has a multitude of industry leading benefits. You can explore these with the link below.

How we work with you

We provide training and will work with you to import all previous procedures and device details from NICOR/CCAD so that PACENET will be fully populated from day one.

“PACENET provides time-saving beyond belief. What could have taken us a day and a half now takes minutes so we can react straightaway.”

Piers Wright, Senior Cardiac Physiologist

What you see

Within the PACENET system, you can filter data by approximately 100 parameters, to derive lists of patients or procedures, which can be exported from the system.

Key Statistics

Sites installed - 38

Follows ups entered - 500,462

Number of implants - 197,875

Patients monitored - 186,065

Clinician users - 1,778

Device manufacturers on system - 27